Thursday, July 29, 2010

Singapore Snaps: No Durians

In the subway. . .
In the hotel. . .
Durian. . .the pungent pariah.


shelley lou said...

what a STINKING bunch of pictures....had to get that that durian fruit...well, not really but am anxious to smell it one day....the guy on the food channel could eat anything they dished out but, doesn't that STINK??????

Keisha said...

I know. . .I'm really interested in trying it to. Durian season is December here in Indonesia so I hope I get a chance. It's really crazy that I haven't been able to try it yet. People go crazy for Durian!

shelley lou said...

Hey, it is past December...did you get to try Durian fruit?Just really curious abt it..has such a bad rep in these parts.....saw one in International District in Seattle all wrapped up with a sign do not open, drop or puncture,,,in red lettering....sort of got the message but back then didn't really know I know and really want a whiff....