Saturday, July 10, 2010

Donuts and Flaubert

Too hot to go outside. . .
Staying in with Flaubert. . .
Here are some snaps from yesterday when Flaubert and I went to the fancy donut store. I managed to get one shot of the fancy donuts before they informed me that donut photography was prohibited. I really wanted to get a shot of the donut bakers running around between the shiny baking machinery behind the glass partition in their white donut baking outfits and poofy white hats. No luck.

Did get my standard gigantic cappuccino and glazed (called glazzie here) donut.
Don't let looks deceive you though, that innocent glazed donut in the picture below is my THIRD!!! They kept giving them to me for free after scolding me about the snaps, "Special for you Miss," and I kept eating them. Yumm.

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