Thursday, May 19, 2011

Almost Birthday Time and a Day for Blog Closure???

Hi everyone. . .anyone who is still checking this blog.
I have found blogging, skyping, and this general genre of twittertwatt cyber communication
extremely demotivating. It's fun in those manic times when for some reason or another (usually because you've been watching too much reality TV) you have fallen out of touch with the deep rumblings of the universe and need to chit chat twitter twatter talk to the void and see what, if anything, and with passing time less and less. . .comes back. . .

I know people probably have many opinions but to me, as I type here, this whole blogging scenario just seems like a very elaborate conversation with oneself. . .

I threw all of my journals in the garbage a long time ago.

Though it's been great at times. . .I'm ready to call it quits on the blog. . .at least in any real way.

Definitely check back from time to time. . .as I'm sure to post something or other. . .especially if Vienam is interesting. But for the time being. . .I'm off to bed. . .bye bye blogland. . .sionara Palembang. . .and hello Hanoi.

Didn't think the day would come. . .

Love and thanks to everyone who has given me support through this really tough year.

Over, Out, Happy Birthday,

1 comment:

Suzanne Morrison said...

Happy belated birthday, Tuesday Rose! And I'm sorry you won't be blogging anymore, but I'll still check in occasionally just in case. xoxo