Saturday, September 25, 2010


Went to bed early last night and woke up this morning 6:30 am in the middle of a video game. An Indonesian wedding party has begun down the block. They block the street with their tents and blast this synthesized video game style music BLAST BLAST BLAST. . .according to Scary Troll this goes on until tomorrow night. . .but I don't believe him. . .do I really get to live in a video game until tomorrow night? Cool! Haha!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bye Bye Kitty Kat

She came and she went and she taught me something about love
and she taught me something about giving
and she taught me something about responsibility
and she reminded me that the universe is ALWAYS watching
thank you kitty kat
I hope you have fun in your new indoor/outdoor home at the car dealership
the universe loves you
and you were meant to be outside not cooped up and pooping in inconvenient places
have fun kitty kat!
be good!

P.S. - She's healthy and strong after the human dewormer. The woman she was staying with - Mrs. Boss - said she had become really naughty. Mr. Boss suggested taking her to his office as an intermediary step to putting her back outside again. Mrs. Boss agreed. I agreed. The child with the bloody legs from kitty's scratching agreed. Hope kitty agrees. Here she goes.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm Back

Just flew down from North Sumatra.
All here is the same and well.
I do love riding in cabs from the airport, zoning out to the love songs.
A meditation course in and of itself. . .

Saturday, September 18, 2010


. . .Meditation DAY 10 of 10. . .

Friday, September 17, 2010


. . .Meditation DAY 9 of 10. . .

Thursday, September 16, 2010


. . .Meditation Day 8 of 10. . .

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


. . .Meditation Day 7 of 10. . .

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


. . .Meditation DAY 6 of 10. . .

Monday, September 13, 2010


. . .Meditation DAY5 of 10. . .

Sunday, September 12, 2010


. . .Meditation DAY4 of 10. . .

Saturday, September 11, 2010


. . .Meditation DAY 3 of 10. . .

Friday, September 10, 2010


. . .Meditation DAY 2 of 10. . .

Thursday, September 9, 2010


. . .Meditation DAY 1 of 10. . .

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Yin and Yang

Such an elegant symbol.
Off to meditation tomorrow at 4:30 am.
See you in 10 days.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Three Reasons to Rise

. . .and so. . .
I got out of bed.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


. . .talked to the Troll when he rose at 4pm. . .
. . .not xxx at all. . .rather. . .sports. . .Northern Ireland beating Slovenia in the European Championships. . .

I can only imagine that what my downstairs informant heard as "Take it off" was actually "Take him off."

Glad were back to a "G" rating. . .


Hairy Fairy and Scary Troll

It's 3:41am and I'm awake. It seems that Vomit Man needs a new name -- the Scary Troll.

The Scary Troll seems not to have been able to find a bridge to haunt, so he has taken up residence in our living room. He is currently watching xxx movies and banging loudly enough on the table to wake me up. I yelled out of my room and he quieted. . .but now he's just saying "yes" a lot.

I was worried, thought he was yelling at kitty, but actually he was yelling "take it off" to the television screen. I'm getting my information from my other female roommate who is currently locked in her room downstairs on the second floor, next to the TV, text messaging me. It's like we're keeping tabs on Mexican terrorist action in a border town or something.

"Where is he now?"
"According to the pitter pat pattern he's making his way to the bathroom."
"I hear vomiting, can you confirm?"
"Confirmed, three retches. Deep ones."

This is what we do.

My informant below is fasting now, usually she would go down at 4am to eat something in the kitchen but with the troll in the living room she says she'll just make do with the water in her room. I told her I would accompany her. But she reminded me that if one makes it past the scylla of the Scary Troll, one still has to deal with the charybdis of our new roommate Hairy Fairy.

Hairy Fairy is very tall and used to keep his shirt on but has currently taken to walking around in his boxer shorts letting his floppy stomach and hairy back stake their claims on the visual space.

We try to respect his decency, even if he doesn't, by looking away, but it's altogether a very compelling sight and something one doesn't see every day so I tend to sneak a peek as he shuffles past. The funny thing is that Hairy Fairy has this strange way of being almost completely naked but acting as if he were fully clothed, just shuffling on by, slightly hunched. A staunch royalist from Northern England, very at home with his English eccentricity, seemingly harmless, talks with a lisp, calls an umbrella a "bwelli," vegetarian, likes to sleep.

I wonder if he's ever going to walk out completely nude. Maybe he just has to stay in this crazy city long enough to start binge drinking like the rest of em and who knows. . .it took him less than a week to lose the shirt.

Anyway Hairy Fairy appears harmless at present. His only problem is having gotten the short end of the genetic stick and that really isn't his fault. Besides, he's got an oblivious kookiness that's not altogether without charm. . .not altogether.

The Scary Troll is a problem though. So sad an pathetic. I feel bad for him and I am grossed out by his vomit. Would like to help somehow. . .but how? What's the story of the troll under the bridge? How does he transform at the end? Isn't there something about a goat? Or do they just push him over a cliff?

For now. . . we stay in our rooms until the Troll quits banging on the furniture and drags himself to bed. Which I think now. . .he has done. . .so. . me too. . .night/morning.


Friday, September 3, 2010


Love these things.
$3-$5 at the Hypermart.
Picked up the black one today.
Don't wear them out--just around the perch. . .but I love having them in my closet all the same!
If I ever have kids or child relatives I figure it'll be great for them to play with. . .no?
Time to stretch. . .

Thursday, September 2, 2010


meek adj.
1.enduring injury with patience and without resentment

Can't say whether or not this definition found me or I found it.
I know I wasn't looking.
Just flipping through the dictionary as I do and BAM! there was meek.

I read the definition.

I wondered.

This didn't sound like the meek I had imagined in my head.

I always wondered why the meek would inherit the earth. It seemed strange to me that only the poor, sick, and spineless would thrive.
Brave, rich people are cool too...aren't they?

But now I see. . .
meek exposed. . .
it doesn't mean weak at all does it. . .
(that's only definition number 2)

It means. . .equanimous.

I see. . .I see. . .the equanimous will inherit the earth. . .rich. . .poor. . or otherwise.

That. . .
. . .I get

. . .because what good's enlightenment if it ain't fair?

Gracias Merriam Webster.
