Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hairy Fairy in Jail!

Yes it's true the Hairy Fairy had his wings clipped for a few hours near dawn today.

Found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time with no ID. Police here like to raid places at random - mixed opinions as to why- some say it's anti-terrorist, some say it's to get bribes, some say it's because they're bored. Whatever the reason, the Hairy Fairy got caught in the mix and found himself in a small room in an Indonesian police station being detained.

What a stupid fiasco! All in the name of bribery most likely. But the Hairy Fairy wouldn't hand over any cash for a get out of jail free card. He simply waited it out. Eventually a friend brought him his ID and the whole matter resolved itself. He came home this morning very adamant that the whole thing was not disagreeable. "They were all very nice," he kept saying, "very nice."

And so we roll. . .


Suzanne Morrison said...

Yay! You're back to blogging! I love details about your life like this. Always fascinating. Love you!

shelley lou said...

Do you know the Hairy Fairy? i need details....but it was a quick stint n jail it appears......short blog in that case.

shelley lou said...

Hi Suzy,,,,,,nice to see your picture. I recognized you right away. Hope all is well is Seattle and with you. Can I get your book it on the shelves at Barnes and Noble?

Hi Keisha....just had to say howdy do to Suz.

Keisha said...

Hairy Fairy is my housemate!