Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Festering Dung Heap

Hi Everybody,

As many of you have noticed I haven't been writing much lately. That's because all I want to write is. . .this place is a festering dungheap, this place is a festering dungheap. . .100 no 1000 times. 1000 times wouldn't even get close to doing this wretched city justice. I'm sure there are fouler places on the planet but Palembang, Indonesia is probably up there in places not to go. There's so much pollution from the oil refining and the fertilizer plants you get dirty just sitting inside of your own house. The people are rude and even the wealthy are super ignorant. There's no sense of honor or politeness it's just completely uncultured and uncivilized. . .which is okay for pale-skinned guys who, no matter what their brain capacity, genetic make-up, or ability to chew with their mouths closed, get catapulted into the stratosphere simply by having pale skin. I live with two of these. One, as those of you who read regularly know, vomits every Friday and Saturday night. . .last Friday on the couch! The other, likes to walk around in his boxer shorts as if he's a chippendale or something when he actually resembles a severely bloated, red-haired, Mr. Bean who has trouble pronouncing words like plumber and gorilla.

Roommate Aisha and I are both at our wits end. The negativity is so high in me it's seeping out through my pores. I think that even the students can feel it. I even want to yell it to them. . ."Do you know what a rotten place you live in?" But I haven't. Not yet! I just put on my fake smile and try to make it through my 80 minute class. It's like fast food education. . . .it's just mediocrity and ugliness all around.

We've decided to ask the two male inhabitants of this house to have a house meeting where we can discuss issues that have arisen. Aisha and I have 3 joint requests and I have 1 more.

1) Please wear a shirt while walking to and from the shower.
2) Please understand that dishes must be put away after they are washed. Not to sit and create a porcelain Mt. Everest in the kitchen. (Aisha and I always put them away. . .and we DO NOT want to be THEIR maids!!!)
3) Please find a way to control your drinking and vomiting on the weekend. Perhaps invest in a bucket so that you can vomit in your room instead of in the public spaces.
4) Please smoke on the balcony as you do 50% of the time because my sheets are smelling like an ashtray. (my request)

Anyway. . .lets see how it goes. I don't think it can make things worse. If things keep going on like this Aisha and I are thinking about getting our own place. But before we do, I thought we should try talking it out. . .AMERICAN STYLE. It will be interesting to try to talk it out with these constipated ignorant Brit boys. Aye yay yay!
Well it's raining. . .I'm gonna get my umbrella, walk to the corner, and buy some tea.
I'll try to write more regularly. I'll try. . . .

P.S. They were showing a very entertaining movie on Indonesian TV the other night. SORORITY ROW 1. . .a bunch of sorority girls get hacked to pieces one by one. . .I recommend it.


Suzanne Morrison said...

Gross. Your roommates are so awful! If they keep vomiting on the furniture I strongly support the idea of leaving with Aisha.

Anonymous said...

I love the Kitty poem. Very moving and sincere! for some reason the more miserable it gets over there the more entertaining your stories get!! Am axious to hear how the roommate "talk" goes.
Always look forward to your blog.
Aunt Hol

Anonymous said...

I think I'm British.... I meant "ANXIOUS"

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Palatine Bridge - the flower place. Dump the British blokes.Get a new place . Things will improve. Meditate and have some ice-cream.

Unknown said...

I love all of the positive feedback you have received from this post. Keep us updated. What happened with your roommates? Did they start to vomit somewhere other than the sofa?

I second Aunt Holly. I really enjoy your posts and get excited to read about your experience. Please keep writing.

Keisha said...

The roommates have mellowed, for the time being. A few serendipitous comments have kept our living room vomit free for the past few weeks.

I do hope it continues.


shelley lou said...

I agree with the relatives...the worse it gets, the better the story and isn't it ALL ABOUT THE STORIES???? Glad Vomit Man is doing beter...maybe he bought a bucket??? Is the other bad roomie the Hairy Fairy????Still confused on that one...missed the history but now I am back.

Unknown said...

I am now blogging and I hope I can be great at is as I am at everything else!!!

Keisha said...

Supah can do anything I'm sure! xoxo-Tuesday